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Shoe shop_ Beryl Cook

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Will try. I can print pictures that he sends to my email. Perhaps I can try that.


They sound interesting Betty, nice and warm too. Delighted to hear that you haven't toppled over yet 😀 Would love to see them if you can find someone to send the picture.


I just bought some Sorrel wedge sneakers. They are kind of like a bootee. Come up to my ankle. Dark grey color. I didn't know if I would like them or if I could even walk in them. So far, they feel good on my feet, and I haven't toppled over. I took a picture of them with my smart phone, but I don't have a smart owner to be able to share that picture. @jandchris


I never ever had a pair of red shoes - I had a simply stunning pair of blue ones though. Thank you @bettysweet.


Thanks @Pink_Diamond, for sending the happiness. I do appreciate it.


Many thanks to you, bettysweet, for giving us these two dear ladies. All happiness to you.


Shoe shopping, always a fun time. Thank you, @Marjansart


Fun one

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