This is for dramatic effect only. The rangers would NEVER remove a nest. Eagles return year after year to their nests, increasing them as they wish and reusing them. To have removed an actual nest would be against the law.
Bald Eagle nests CAN be up to 6 feet across, but they're not constructed like a songbird's nest (like this one). They're much cruder and with larger branches. This is obviously man made.
For anyone who likes bald eagles, I just found a very interesting puzzle. It shows a pair of bald eagles, but one is blonde rather than dark brown! It's not albino, because there is color, just not the typical color scheme.
Check it out at:
I just happened to see this puzzle as I was getting ready to leave Jigidi. I'm so glad I saw it! This is a real gem. It definitely shows how big those nest truly are!
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