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Tom Quad, Christ Church Oxford, England

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Tom Quad, Christ Church Oxford, England
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  1. GJST639:16
  2. evorkosigan10:25
  3. puzzle11212:46
  4. Island_Guy13:11
  5. busterpuppy13:35
  6. Iubdana14:30
  7. sanderspk214:38
  8. Cyprien115:25
  9. Cuse6915:42
  10. spaceprintsess16:18


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It looks like both Tom Quad and Tom Tower (the central facing tower in that pic) are named after the bell in the tower, Great Tom. I don't know why they name bells, though (Big Ben in London springs to mind).

I am wondering why several architectural features of this magnificent edifice use the name "Tom."
Partly intellectual curiosity.....partly silliness: my best friend's first name is Tom.

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