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Thundereggs ~ What Do You Really Know About Them?

Thundereggs are agate-filled nodules found in various parts of the Western United States. They range in size from 1/4 inch to as large as 5 feet in diameter. Generally, they are about the size of oranges. All are similar on the exterior, but no two are alike in pattern, design or color on the inside. The most colorful and beautiful of Thundereggs comes from a small area in Jefferson County in Central Oregon (Pony Butte). In other localities they do not show such brilliant color and gem quality. In spite of their superior quality, only one in an average of twenty cut make outstanding specimens. These show vivid scenes of land and sea fantasies, which besides the bright hues, reveal the appearance of depth and dimension of distance. Cut and polished Thundereggs are beautiful to behold. They are one of the marvels of nature and are sought after and highly prized the world over.
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  1. 4wings51:37
  2. Paridae1:38
  3. woobee1:42
  4. janibacsi1:48
  5. ColdMn1:59
  6. jbprols1:59
  7. fydy2:13
  8. Isaly22:17
  9. jackandzoe2:20
  10. jodycyotee2:23


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Congratulations, jand!


Thank you Bernadette! My thanks also to @4wings5, @solidrock5806, and @US_femail for being such good sports.


Congratulation, June! 😊 Well done! ♪ Debb ♪


jandchris, congratulations to Your win :O)


Congratulations jandchris!

That's good. I see a pearl. I had nothing for this one. I saw either a rabbit or a duck head.


Our winner is @jandchris, way to go June! 🍾🏆🥂
Thanks to @solidrock5806 @wasicu @peasterberg @jodycyotee and @4wings5 for adding to the fun.


"Jimmy Durante"


'Don't Let the Old Man in' -- song of Willies.
The Oyster is good -- I do see a pearl.


"The Oyster"


The peeking critter.

Cup of port (wine)


Ghost in a shell

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