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Ank's picture

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This is puzzeljac's (Ank) picture. She made the original puzzle and send me the picture. I loved it so much I got it framed.
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  1. like921150:25
  2. Robbos0:28
  3. puzzeljac0:34
  4. Ianto0:35
  5. cevas0:39
  6. pumpkinhead0:39
  7. jimbos0:42
  8. linda18020:43
  9. freetime0:44
  10. anitab0:44


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You found the perfect frame for the photo, halverblue! Thank you for sharing it with us!


Thanks everybody! It was so much fun finding the right frame and a good spot for people to enjoy! It is hanging in my office in the shopping centre and a lot of people already commented on it.


Wonderful picture, frame and puzzle all in one lovely spot. That's what you call a great gift -you for hanging it and Ank for sending it-Teamwork.


Also as puzzle it's very nice Sabina. I really like it and I think you found a beautiful frame for it.

Friends Sabina already sent me this photo by mail and I knew she would post it now. So I'm pleased but was not surprised:-))))


How nice to honor a gift from a friend like this!


What a wonderful gesture.


What a wonderful idea!! Thanks for this puzzle Sabina!!
I think Ank will be pleased to see this. : )

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