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outside today dec16

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this is looking into my suite and what I am looking out at today and least the dog loves it
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  1. DarcyB3:13
  2. joanwhite4:04
  3. Ianto4:26
  4. holica4:33
  5. mackabroin4:38
  6. Mike245:38
  7. cmcduff6:33
  8. alias2v6:51
  9. ruby187:05
  10. jeribar87:13


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I never liked it either mila.........when I moved here I decided to give up my it isn't a choice anymore.....but I certainly don't miss it...we do have a great transit system
-this picture was actually taken last year/18 but it was the same this year


TFS, I think it is beautiful; however I do not like driving in the snow and ice.⏰


lol jean.good one.... just thought a bit of halloween was in will be over before we know it

Hey Robin- l too ride a broomstick (when my other vehicle is in the shop)! l guess that makes us two f a kind.


I have not been here for a long long time....but I have met a ton of great people....dust isn't going to hurt

My time??? you mean when l'm supposed to eat...sleep...clean...walk the dog (once if she's lucky- those pads really work, the poor dog-) yes I have noticed what has happened to my time....since, l discovered all you wonderful, talented and humorous people-


thank you jean......nice words...and I do know about the pads....but so far my dog gets out.....and I need the the walk......three times a day usually does it.......LOL......there are so many nice people in here....and only one in a hundred that are rude or just not have a great time.....this site will take all the "time" you don't

Hello Robin- thank you for your warm welcome. l am very much looking forward to becoming part of this tiny little village- hoke this picture w many 1000000000 thousands of participants???- Such friendliness, humor and TALENT!
l like this picture very much- it looks like decorations suspended in the air. AND l am glad not to be out in it as well. AS to the dog, ever hear of wee-wee pads. works for the under-10lb set.


thank you sifakos......and it was nice of you to come "over" and do my puzzle.....robin


Hi Robin!! Thank you very much for your comments, regards from a sunny country, Sifakos_Athens_Greece.


it was a long time ago now it is lovely and hot...just the way I like it......I am near vancouver bc


I like this photo and this puzzle very much - thank you. :-)


I have only been on for a few in the am...and then another few later.....about now 10pm......I haven't even got my tree up yet...and I get the kids all next week (all day (3or them))
I just love your are terribly smart jeri.......and guggs from me too


Where have you been..?
we keep missing each other....

*♥*....║║╚╝╚╝╚╝.........Christmas Hugs
*♥*....║║╚╝╚╝╚╝.........Christmas Hugs


I should have had my camera out today jeri......never even thought of it...but he just loves it.....he knew isntantly when we went out yesterday that this was going to be fun...I am still chuckling over did he know???....we don't get much snow here..and mostly it isn't the lovely powdery stuff it is this time....I too am NOT a fan of


Great picture, Robin... I'm not a fan of the cold but love snow scenes...
Take another picture with your dog playing in the snow....


thank you jim......I am not a fan of it isn't lovely to


If you were here, you would be enjoying steady drizzle, strong winds and fairly mild conditions. I think your picture is far more fun!


glad you like it ruby...the puzzle I mean..not the
I am near vancouver


Well, it's pretty to look at, but I understand where you are coming from, mackabroin. This is the first snow picture from this season which I have seen. Thanks for posting.

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