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Mama and Daughter

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The mother is in the foreground with daughter, Brownie Blue. No matter the size of the bed, or the box, this family sticks together like glue.
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Brownie Blue is one of Sita's and Inky's five kittens. The white tip on the end of her tail (seen in the photo by Sita's back leg) matches her mother's, Sita's, white tip which is not seen in this photo - nothing else. And Inky, the Dad, is a black & white tuxedo.


@Ohmyword Yes. Sita even had her five kittens convinced they should groom & play with the seven kittens of the younger mother and treated her as family, cuddling at night. They all were also on formula supplements so older kittens used saucers and the seven were bottle fed. The seven and their mother moved on and all have homes.


Isn't it nice when creatures step in when extra care is needed for another one. Both are sure relaxed looking.

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21 February 2020 - 23 March 2017
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