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This is the first time my Christmas Cactus has bloomed IN YEARS! I have another one (different kind), but it is still never blooming.
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  1. Ianto3:02
  2. jls263:02
  3. Frankie_Johnnie3:57
  4. milokar3:58
  5. KuskiM4:02
  6. Grinnen104:04
  7. Blanourek614:17
  8. EinatDanon4:22
  9. kuljah4:23
  10. Pekaji4:29


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I've just gotten a start from a dark pink to purple Christmas cactus this last year. It's still a baby but growing strong!




Try it and let me know. Mine only gives a couple of followers every year. 💕


Pam, I do keep my house cool. I am hot-natured, but the temperature has always been consistent for my cactuses. I thought about cacti as desert plants, living in drought for months. For example, right after plentiful rain comes to the Kalahari desert in Africa, the whole desert bursts into bloom. So, maybe house cacti bloom after a few weeks of withholding water, as a Jigidian recently mentioned.


Martha, had the house been cooler than you usually keep it? I've read that cooler temps and shorter days is the trick. You got so many blooms and it's beautiful. 💕




Thanks, Wendy.


It looks beautiful!


Hahaha! I will ask Leo, and I'll tell you his secret as soon as I hear.



Leo knows...ask Leo! Listen carefully and please let us know :)) It is beautiful in bloom! Thank you for sharing it.

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