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Daughter in Snow

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This is my daughter and her first visit ever, to see snow. It was a random day - we got together to have breakfast at a local cafe in our town, then decided - "Lets have a day off work - its a nice day - lets go for a drive". And 50km later, we ended up here on the slopes of Mt Ruapehu on the Central Plateau. And we had a nice cup of coffee at the Chateau cafe there too.
The photo is only taken by my cheapie cellphone, but I do love the way the sky took on a pink prism. I wonder how I did that ?
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  1. crambob7:11
  2. jclose201110:03
  3. madpol18:02
  4. dibbio24:38


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Hi Glenys, hope you get this message. Have you heard from Jill Art4sight? It's been a while since I've seen any of her puzzles, and, was worried. Thought you might know if she is OK. I sure do miss her, and, her puzzles. Thanks Sandy


I had a similar experience as you Maddy, with a hairdresser YEARS ago... I thought I was going for a trim - but no... they just cut off my entire pony tail! short as.... It took me 30 years to go to a hairdresser again - only to have that "dyeing experience" on my second visit. Thats it... No more hairdressers! Isn't it called "fair, fat and 50!". LOL! And it doesn't matter about weight so much about just being healthy with what goes in and activity out.


Wow, she is tall !! I'm so sorry for her she got injured so bad, and still has pain ! Must be terrible..Also hard for you I guess.. I'm not skinny either Glenys, but I do know that when women grow older, and they are the skinny type, well, it's often not a pretty sight. I try to be content with who I am and how I look, although that's often not too easy. But I try.
And that hair dresser of yours.. She really stinks. I would be so mad.. You should have asked your money back.. A few years ago, they cut my hair way too short ! man, I could cry.. Never went back there..


I just got my tape measure out - 6'4" is 1.93 m - and she's shrunk too - she's lost 5 cm's in the past 5 years just from her spinal injury (she got from a fall at work) resulting in the weight she carries because the pain still is an issue, crushing her spine.
I am 1.6 m tall myself (and more than that around the top unfortunately).
And me too - I have some grey sections in my hair now ... I went to a hair dresser a couple of years back and paid a fortune to have a "refreshed" colour put in my hair... and the rotten hair dresser decided to go all "artsy" me and she left the grey section in the front exactly untouched! and that was the very thing I wanted taken out! I'm still looking at it. :(


I don't know how tall 6'4 is.. I can see she is not short. maybe a bit like me, but we do it in centimeters. I am 1 meter and 70 cms. ((a few weeks ago, I was at the doctor and he measured me, and I had shrunken !!! God, I used to be 1.73 !!) But okay, my hair is starting to get grey too, I'm gonna dye it, not ready to look like a grandma yet..
Too bad about the snowball fight, but yes, sometimes the snow is not suited to make snowballs. If you would throw them, they would be dangerous, looking like rocks ! ;-) But , tossing ice sounds fun too :-))) I wish I could have seen it :-))))


Hi Maddy
Yes, I only have one daughter - can you see the "Dutch frau" look about her? She's 6'4" just like her Dad!. And yes, she's the writer in our family.
And yes, her first time seeing snow. We used to live in Auckland, 4 hours away by car... but never made the trip before down to the mountains, not in winter... but we had in summer a few times. No snow in summer.
We thought we'd try a snowball fight - she so wanted to throw one at me - but it was all too hard, more iced up by the time we got there. Guess the sun was melting it to ice too fast. So we did toss some blocks of ice between us, like passing a basketball!


Oh, this is a great photo !!! This was the first time she saw snow?? Wow.. Sounds like you two had a wonderful day off, next time you might try to have a snowball fight, I bet you'll love that !!!!
(by the way,is the your writing daughter? I don't know how many you have..) :-)
Thanks for the marvellous photos, Glenys ☺☼☺

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