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Old phone

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  1. fragment719:30
  2. kbroadfoot11:36
  3. spudulike11:49
  4. 2ndTwin12:14
  5. LadyLynnP113:10
  6. bigoldbadger13:58
  7. RobynG14:12
  8. starship114:56
  9. Carol6615:38
  10. Walter2218:26


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Sandrine, fortunately it was a shortwave/weather type radio I bought for our winter storms when EVERYTHING goes out....... ;)


Carol66, well at least you HAVE a radio!!! :-))))))


Sandrine, I resorted to a thing called a r-a-d-i-o........fortunately, it advised I was not alone with the pain.......... :))))))))))))))))))))


LOL Carol66, I feel your pain. The same thing happened to me and I thought that I was in a time warp. Fortunately the customer service people at Xfinity/Comcast were terrific and the thirty dollar credit I received for my inconvenience didn't hurt either. :-)


PS many smart phones went down also.........


Times HAVE changed..........I have been left in the dust, cannot keep up with all the changes in communications etc. You will laugh.......last week something happened and Xfinity went down.........NO internet or TV service..........14 hours, it was HORRIBLE. I realized I am not the pioneering woman I fancied myself to be........I did handle it better than many!


Yes I remember using rotary phones back in the day, oh how times have changed.


Ha, Weatherman, I can remember having to talk to an operator who could be relied on to ask "Does your Mother know you are on the telephone?"



Thanks for this retro puzzle! I love old tech like this!


A real museum piece.

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