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by Fred Ingrams

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Fred Ingrams, UK Harvest, Hale Fen, Littleport, Cambridgeshire Fens. Reeds in flower - rain coming (August 2015) acrylic on board 61 x 61 cm
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  1. ecoultas3:28
  2. shayshell3:40
  3. SirLocksley4:09
  4. Libbylocious4:21
  5. Dagina4:29
  6. delanee4:32
  7. Zinny224:33
  8. LinneaE4:37
  9. hippo4:45
  10. mariolyn4:46


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😪😪Wow 🤗🤗That's beautiful 😀😀😀Thank you Gail 🌝🌝🌝🥹🥹🤓Keep your eye out 🧐for more like this


@delanee I read the story @1Be2Dun3 posted to my honey last night. He suggested that the combines may have been unmanned, GPS guided. So she can add that creepy thought to the experience and it would sound pretty bizarre. 🤔 Of course, that was the 80s when they still needed people, wasn't it? Miles and miles of row...


The colours are beautiful. It's a lot of work for farmers...


landal Isn't that the truth for everyone. I just had my very first PE done by a RN! :)


I believe it is ms.maddy.. But I really don't mind, what I dislike more is that people who slightly know me (in real life), keep on pronouncing my name in the wrong way, (the English way). My parents thought they gave a real Dutch name, but I think my name is more common in your country than in mine :-) Oh well :-)) What's in a name??


Good to see you! @LadyLynnP1 Hope all is well. I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzle. 🥰


❤️ @jasonchung2


@meggie You win the Memory Award of the Day! I used to see a DO but she retired. She was great too. Now I just get my 10 minutes slice of a PA's hour. 😁


@madpol We have a ms.maddie or ms.maddy on Jigidi who lives in Australia. I can never remember how to spell her name either! I will try to remember the "ie" because my Mom and Dad tacked that on to the ends of all their children's names, dogs too! 😉


That name looked so familiar to me - then I remembered! (without the S):
Fred Ingram, DO - Family Medicine Physician in Tulsa, OK
A really wonderful doc...
Haha :)



Great story @1Be2Dun3. Love the colors in this puzzle, Gail. Thanks for posting. - Connie


Hahah, it's Maddie, with ie, but I really don't mind how anyone writes it :-) it's okay. But thanks ☺


@1Be2Dun3 Thanks for the story, I get the picture! They used to make hay when the sun shined but now they can do it in the dark?! I've seen that big equipment, it boggles the mind. Imagine spending your life going around and around in the dust. 🤔 I bet it's cooler at night.....


Glad you enjoyed it! @madpol (Is it Maddie or Maddy, I forget.) 😳


I lived in Oklahoma for 4 years back in the early 80s and this was a common scene. That lonely tree in the middle of a wheat field. The stormy sky warning of an impending storm, or maybe a tornado. The left side of the field looks like it's been harvested - beating the storm. The rest will have to dry before harvesting.
Across the road from where I lived was a huge wheat field and I came home one night in the dark. I saw these lights in the field - 8 pairs of them, and they were all moving in tandem, but away from me. Freaked me out! Then I saw them during the day and saw that the lights I saw were on the rear of the harvesters (which were huge BTW) and there were 4 harvesters. Then it all made sense, but it made for an interesting night!


Great painting, with beautiful colors! Thanks Gail :-)

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