thanks cher....I have boxes full.....was my dad's hobby...and as kids we REALLY didn't like it........we were always having to stop and "SMILE"........LOL......but I am glad of it now........robin
I think its lovely that people are still enjoying this photo of yours, macabroin, you put it on here in 2016 and its still being enjoyed. I wish you a very healthy, happy 2019..Fay.
lol bubble......we didn't care....but actually it was "old bathing suit day".......we had it every year......the neighbors and us....we had family and friends come and everyone dressed up in the old was our summer house and we and a few neighbors had quite a few old suits between everyone got I just wore a regular suit from woodwards (our local department store back then) on the other hand I do agree with you.....we weren't fussy about so much as the kids now
That explains it, Robin, as kids back then, who cared what we wore as long as it worked. Today lots of tiny kids, (especially with famous parents) dictate their own fashions and wear what they want.
I'm a very poor swimmer so would not want to be out of my depth. Catch you later, :-)))
the suits were actually adult suits.....we just didn't have any kids ones from "way back when"....but we did swin in them......or paddle around in the water out front......there was a retaining wall off to my left in the picture...and the water came up to we could play in the water and still not be in deep......I could swim well..but my cousin could not swim at I had to stay with her and my brother
Hi Robin, Such a cute photo, and I'm surprised your bathing suits look like summer dresses - did you really swim in these? I can imagine it must have been difficult with the water weighing all that material around. So nostalgic about old photos - thanks for sharing with us :-000
Hey Robin, I created a puzzle for you (that black and white one from the 1950s with the girl in the dress) with fewer pieces.... see if you like that one better! 8-)
I am the one on the right as you look at it cousin is two years younger than me (on th left as you look at it)......I always looked forward to this day....everyone wore the old suits and we had a big crap fest in the yard....I have albums full of sepia pictures.....some very faded...but we always take pictures of special days they are fun to look at over and over with the
I agree anitka.......there are so many wonderful people in here..and we are all the matter where we is a happy thought.....thanks...robin
Some of us bigger oldies would still go for a dip if this was still stylish. Those lovely old photos are sepia yes they are a brown colour, but the word is 'sepia'. The lass on the left could have been me at that age ,and I'm more of a mackabrion than you, mackabrion, I am 83 , and though I'm not Scottish, my late husband was a highlander.❤️
yes frans.......I agree.....the old photos always bring back good memories.......thank you for visiting my page....robin
?? is this right...................... Ik ben het eens... de oude foto's altijd terug te brengen mooie herinneringen... dank u voor het bezoeken van mijn pagina
smazik 1 hour ago I do not speak Russian, but my parents along for me mothers can speak Czech and understand a little va Slav languages. Me grandfather was Thomas Smazik lived until 1918 in Tabor (CZ), I live in Flanders (B) Greetings. French. @Robin....found his translation under Frisian.....Google translator is fantastic. I'm learning different languages almost daily....I'm Croatian and that is my second language. Beverly3-6-17..12:53pm
Hi robin, I do take my friends wife out as much as I can as she has always been a friend of my family since he met her and married her, but sadly she misses him a lot.
well I do hope you gave her a few moments respite clive.....I am sure she was happy to be with you both.....such a sad time to lose someone close to you
Yes I did thank you robin, but spent my day putting another radiator in grandson's room to keep him warmer in our cold weather. Also went out to dinner with my friends wife and my wife as she is still getting over the loss of losing him last year. Sadly.
Ha, Ha, I now understand I have a cockney accent from childhood so have difficulty where I live for people to under stand me so now I talk slowly for them to understand what I say. LOL!! My family understand me although sons and Grandson take the "mickey" at times to speak like me and I find it in good humour.
cj45 Couvertown is Vancouver..........i guess my lingo is a bit weird....I picked up different things from different people in Alberta and BC.EG....Canadian Tire is called crappy tire in Calgary Alberta and Calgary Alberta is called cowtown by lots of people everywhere.......Things we pick up along the way....EG....some one mentioned how good Japadogs are in Couvertown a while problem tho with that is they are 8 or 9 bucks each.......a few blocks away at costco you can get a huge hot dog and a large pop for $ 1.50.....just goes on......later......
clive I was wondering in another puzzle if you have any news from patricia's ? mom.....I have been thinking of her and she hasn't been here since just before christmas??
Hi there mackabroin pleased to meet you.I was born in new west....ya a true bc boy....I am living in couvertown.....Thanks for the thanks on my puzzle....later.....
Hi. Clive... good to 'see' you....My old computer is a 'bummer'... But I went on U-Tube and found a "How to copy your hard drive from a 'dead computer" (You can find just about anything on U-Tube) Love it...! I'm gonna get my son to try it.... And if he "Drags butt" I'll do it myself... looks easy to do...
Oh Jeri, this is truly bad news to hear, kays got upset with here old lap top computer when it died but Grandson sorted it for her she then bought a new laptop, Ipad and a complete new computer system . LOL!!!! so that she could store every thing on all three. I still have to get her to help me with my new works mobile phone as it is so advanced compared to my own mobile phone and I still have to get her to sort that out at times so annoying but pleased she is a computer and mobile phone "nutter" LOL!!!
The dead computer is completely dark...I couldn't delete anything if I wanted to. I have to remove the old hard drive and there is some way, to hook it to my computer to retrieve what I want... I'll figure it out even if I have to pay to get it done.
right jeri..what ever you do ...don't delete is all still son jabs this into my head all the do have mine all backed up.....actually I have two computers backed up on this one....adam is sick and tired of me calling I can go into the backup and get anything I have messed am not a fan of laptops.......old fashioned I think..I like the old box....I sure "feel " for you jeri....I have done it myself a few times....get a stick like I have and just put the whole thing on.....I bet your son could get it onto a stick or disc??........what a bummer jeri....keep smiling.....
Hi, Robin... My old computer died.... my son Joe gave me his laptop that he isn't using...It's kind of small but it'll do till I decide what I want to buy or just use his. He said I could keep it. I'm in the process of trying to recover all my old 'stuff' from the dead computer. I'm upset the most about losing ALL of my pictures. I had spent months scanning them to the old computer....from the 40's to now...hundreds and hundreds of them. There's a way they can be retrieved from the old hard drive... just trying to figure out which way to go...hire it done(expensive) or try to do it myself... video of 'how to do it" on u-tube. If you have anything important saved on your computer..BACK IT UP" on a flash drive... I learned my lesson the hard way... Catch you later..somewhere...Jeri
that is so neat clive.....I think no matter how you quarrel at is all you really have......and down under it is important not to let things get too out of neat that your two "important" women get on so well.....good on you all
Ha,Ha, robin I know what you mean and aren't old pictures just great to see. I only have a few pictures of myself as a Child so it is very disappointing not to see what I looked like growing up I also have only two pictures of my sister when we were children together. Again disappointing but my sister and my wife have a great bonding together from the first time they met which has always been great and they take turns to ring each other every week. How nice even after all these years. LOL!!!
I loved the gertrude picture clive....I have so many old pictures...even one of my great great must have been one of the first pictures taken.....I mean when pictures were new......she looked very "racey"
Hi all, found my brown picture of my naughty Aunt Gertrude in her motor car with her dog (ruff) and a tall man friend LOL!! Will post for you all in a minute or so.
Ha, Ha, robin, contraception was not that available or safe even when we were younger as you may remember so we all married at a younger age to love each other, may be my aunt was infertile but used it to her advantage and enjoyed her self. LOL!!
oh my gosh clive.....what a great story....isn't it amazing what we remember from when we were "too young to remember" of the big ones in our bunch was when my cousin.....way older than me.....had to go and visit her "grandma" for about a can remember thinknig that she was too young to be staying with gran for so am laughing as I type this...boy were we stupid.........LOL LOL
Ha, Ha, robin I must try and find the picture of my aunt Gertrude she was smashing and I remember she had all her own teeth a thing that was not heard of for people born in the 1880,s I also know she was a glamour "puss" if that is the right words to say about her as My Grand Mama used to say. I also remember being in my grand Mama's house when she would say Gertrude not at the moment Clive is present. I would love to know what they were talking about when I was a child LOL!!! I bet it was NAUGHTY. HEE. HEE. Too old now but I am sure it was Naughty girls talk between sisters.
lol clive......we had one of those also...but ours got married't families grand...I have quite a few "brown" pictures...they all seem so staid
WOW, how exciting robin what a wounderfull picture. So nice to see you in old pictures and if we could find old pictures of our self's to put on jigidi how exciting that would be. I am still looking for photos of my aunt Gertrude a brown photo, ( my naughty aunt) in her early motor car. She was the beauty of our family and had many male friends never married and had no children sadly. But men fell over her Thee Hee!! Even in her old age I do not know why but she was always kind to me and she was my Grand Mama's sister. LOL!!!
yes jeri......I am on the right as you look at it..the house was on an inlet called alderside beach.....acorss from port moody.....ocean water but much warmer
thanks came about from another puzzle awhile ago...but I can't remember the name of the other puzzle.....LOL....I am old..(as you can see)
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