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"So What??"

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Alvar Tikkeri, the first born, looks like his mother. So what if Laviini Kissa, the lynx lookalike brother, got the blue eyes? Alvar probably thinks his eyes are blue, and Laviini thinks his eyes are the same as Alvar's and Mama Sita's.
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  1. Ianto0:49
  2. dobrajaneckova0:55
  3. vt11631:09
  4. Jackie481:15
  5. 19JUDIP571:24
  6. dugee1:27
  7. Finnegan1:37
  8. beyondwords1:38
  9. zaggie1:44
  10. Brockley3:07


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@Bugster Their legs told a lot in this one as so many of your cats' photos do also. 💕💖💖


Two more in their own special photo. Thank you. 🐞💕


@beyondwords I've read that cats can "see" blue & yellow, but green & red appear greyish. That's why I think Alvar would notice Laviini's eye color. I know one of the favorite toys is a small banana, now quite ratty, but every time I think to throw it away, someone decides to carry it & talk to it. So I wash it ... 🙄 again....


Wonderful photo of these two. And interesting info.

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31 August 2020 - 21 September 2017
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