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432 pieces
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  1. rohanec2:17:30
  2. spento3:18:15
  3. druid3:18:17
  4. librich3:30:01
  5. freighttrain1173:49:03
  6. lldogs6:35:00
  7. enzoantonio7:33:04


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Looks like we've got an engine change going on here. The scheduled removal, repair & replacement of most turbine engines is based on "cycles" and or engine hours since hot section inspection or overhaul, in addition to many other conditions. The military has a very strict maintenance requirement for their equipment. Way more strict than civilian application, where the almighty dollar supercedes safety & operation of equipment. I feel a whole lot safer in a military Aircraft than any civilian Aircraft. Been there & done that a bunch of times. Sometimes I have wanted to do a preflight 'walk around" of that civilian Aircraft before I ever boarded it myself, but then I would probably have it "grounded" for a week, getting it half way Airworthy.

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