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Clarke Co., GA, USA 🇺🇸

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New barn.
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  1. alansnell4:49
  2. greengiant735:24
  3. pdp0255:48
  4. casummer6:02
  5. Reiseesel6:11
  6. czdragon6:11
  7. Muzza616:31
  8. svono6:46
  9. RSP6:47
  10. mamamartinelli6:51


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I'm not an expert on it so I can't really explain the differences. Maybe one of the men can explain better.

Our football is different from soccer and rugby. Played on a field as well but different rules and players. America and Canada do play gridiron football.


Googled it. What sort of football?
Here in Oz, we play Rugby League, Rugby Union and Aussie Rules.
I have just been told that it is gridiron.😊

Athens - home of the Georgia Bulldogs.

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