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Playing with the Clock

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by Arthur Heyer

Arthur Heyer (1872-1931, German-Hungarian) is known for his many paintings of cats, in particular white Angoras. Because he loved to draw and paint cats so much, he acquired the nickname "Cat" Heyer. Heyer was interested in art at an early age and attended art school in the Museum of Decorative Art in Berlin. He began his career by illustrating local newspaper articles. Later he moved to Budapest, where he held his first exhibition in 1906. Heyer painted other animals, but his favorite was the white cat.

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  1. snuffpot2:54
  2. mobscribe3:59
  3. awritersnotes4:10
  4. roseh4:40
  5. Paridae4:54
  6. greho5:08
  7. Toots25:12
  8. jennylmoon5:15
  9. Sana_M5:15
  10. tollerbelle5:25


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