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picasso jasper

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finally back to some of the stones I've cut/shaped and polished! this little beauty (I love picasso jasper!) is wrapped in silver plated wire.
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@BunnyLeigh, I didn't know you didn't know I cut my stones. It's called lapidary. It is what got me started wire wrapping. I didn't want just your average seen everywhere settings. My mother use to do it, had the "lapidary table" ( a machine with wheels of sandpaper of varying grits) and gave it and some rocks to me. I need to get back out to my table and cut more rocks!! ;-]

My goodness you even cut and polish your own stones. You are truly a very talented Lady. Bunny


kayboblee, thank you!

lunie, i don't blame you!


would like this stone to be in my bracelet carole...


Really pretty. Thank you for the share, craswench.


iris, thank you!


Well done!!! Grins!☺

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