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Canadian spirit of friendship and community. ... An Inukshuk in the shape of a person signifies safety, hope and friendship. These stone sculptures were also important for navigation, as a point of reference, as a marker for hunting grounds, or to denote a food cache.
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Fun! : )


Quite interesting. Just spotted you on jigidi puzzle of Montanna. Bev. 5-21-24🦋


Great sculpture Hdarlene, thanks for sharing and a warm hello to all our Canadian friends from your friends here in Australia!


I don't see a pile of bricks! I see an effort to communicate a spirit of warmth and friendship to the Jigidi community. This type of communication goes back to ancient times and can be quite spiritual.

It doesn't matter if it is made of bricks, stones, gem encrusted gold bars, legos or straw, the message is the same.

Thanks Hdarlene

pile of bricks in your yard, not a sculpture


With materials from Home Depot or Lowes?


good for you. i was just now going to send you something

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