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Meteora, Greece - Ancient Origins –

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Incredible places, amazing photos: Meteora, Greece
- Ancient Origins –
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  1. Sammywill8:22
  2. leriger29:05
  3. hawklee9:38
  4. wastedangle9:41
  5. mazmark10:22
  6. ANAJ5810:33
  7. musicladyann10:42
  8. lanfa10:59
  9. TJRugger11:20
  10. flooziebarr11:33


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Fantastic place to build. Can't imagine the hard labor that went into this. They are all long gone, but they leave us in wonderment. Great thought-provoking picture pathomas. Many thanks.

Beautiful, but I would want my kids beyond the toddler stage!


Even on the other side, it must be quite a journey to get up there!

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