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Here's Dorus again

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Just before I arrived at my best friend's home, the Vet had just left. She had called her because Dorus was in a bad state and wouldn't eat this morning after having had a serious fall (of 50+ cm down) from her stone steps in her back garden yesterday. He had been in a nasty fight with another cat and they rolled down the steps like a ball. This other one is a black cat who seems to have taken over from the red bully after he moved out. The Vet has given Dorus a painkiller injection and antibiotics. After the painkillers started working he started to eat again and he even played with me with a cord. Fingers crossed he will completely recover from all this.
She promised to keep him indoors to keep an eye on him.
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  1. liertje19781:54
  2. gemstone2:35
  3. babray2:36
  5. donlise2:54
  6. CrazyCAT542:59
  7. Impie3:01
  8. EllaMB3:12
  9. canoekaw3:21
  10. gizi053:29


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Oh yes, Faye, J. sounded really happy on the phone, it's a great birthday present on this last day of the year.♡♡♡

Happy and a safe New Year to you and Ken.....2021...please be kind to all of us! ;)


I'm so glad Dorus is feeling better and that mum can breathe a sigh of relief! ❤️❤️❤️

Happy New Year, everyone...but please continue to "play it safe"...I can hardly wait for our vaccinations and when hugs are finally put back on the menu!!! :DDD


Indeed so, Nancy! He still keeps his ear a bit down, but tomorrow he'll start on the antibiotic pills which probably will do the trick for that "problem" to disappear!:-))

Yes, dhi, a wonderful birthday present for his mum!
Thank you and I wish you too Happy New Year, we'll have a quiet night I hope, fireworks are forbidden this year, but I'm afraid a lot of people don't care and light them still!


Great news for this last day of the OLD year!

╔═══════ ೋღღೋ ═══════╗
ೋ .......Happy New Years........ ೋ
╚═══════ ೋღღೋ ═══════╝
Who's ready to say goodbye to 2020?
I don't know what kind of celebration, if any, you are planning but may it be a big improvement over last year.

For those of you who had a good year, despite everything, congratulations & good on you.


Wonderful news he's recovering so quickly!....what more could a pet mum wish for on her birthday?! ♥ :-))


Update on Dorus: I phoned my friend today to wish her Happy Birthday and asked about her sweet boy. She asked me to tell you all "Thank you all for your concern and crossing your fingers for a good recovery" Dorus is doing fine again, only on one ear a small wound still needs a bit of attention, but hopefully with the antibiotics everything will be fine soon. ♥☺♥


I do hope Dorus gets better very soon. I know what it's like to put up neighbourhood moggies - my cat wouldn't go out & started tearing her fur out.


Poor Dorus. I hope the antibiotics do the trick and he feels better soon.


Dorus, you are such a sweet fellow, stay with your Mom. Payton cannot go outside as being white he is an easy target for the eagles and owls. We have a few bully cats around but I think they became that way as a necessity after being abandoned by careless owners. Happily, we have a neighbor who feeds them and provides a shelter for them. Once again, your tail is amazing!


Thank you, GG. Yes I was really sorry he felt so down, he must've been in quite some pain. My friend had tried to get tgem apart, but they grabbed each other and rolled and bumped down the stone steps. They must have been quite bruised, although apart from the eye, the black cat didn't seem to have sufferd very much!
Thank you, I wish you and your family and Mr.Riley also a very Happy New and healthy New Year!


Thank you, Harleygirl54. For 61 years there's been a kitty in my life (always one at the time), but we never let them stroll the neighbourhood. I wouldn't have a single minute of rest if I wouldn't have known where he was or what he was doing outside! My last kitty Goofie strolled our/ 'his' back garden, but always under supervision! In 16 years he only jumped over the low fence twice to next door, in blind angre....chasing a neighbourhood cat out!!! Happy New Year to you too, thanks!

Yes, dhi, Dorus has a beautiful tail and his fur feels nice and soft! Thank you for the well wishing!

Thank you, Betty, yes, the Vet checked him and he growled when she touched certain parts of his body, she said to my friend that he's black and blue. He also had a painful spot on the left of his mouth, hence he didn't want to eat. But the painkiller worked wonders. Hopefully they work long term!

Thank you, lurdo, I hope so too. Dorus is not a cry baby, but when I was just inside he really looked very sad and then he came into the living room and I triggered him to play and he had fun.....I hope he keeps up the good work!

Thank you, Nancy....when he's feeling better my friend will open the garden door for him again, she can't resist when he wants to go outside. Yes, that tail is long and full and beautiful! :-))♥♥

Thank you, Anne. If it were my kitty he wouldn't go outdoors unsupervised, but my friend wants him to give his freedom, although she's always anxious when he stays out a bit too long and will go search for him!!!

Yes, Faye, this Vet only makes house calls, she doesn't have her own practice, but for J. it's nice to just be able to call her. It made Dorus a bit suspicious though when I rang the bell and came in, but I said sweet nothings to him and that broke the ice. I let him be and not long after he came into the living room....tail up....and playing with my pocket diary cord. ♥♥♥
The black cat is very kind to people, but to other cats he's a real bully. He used to fight with the red bully too! He came sit on J.'s balcony and I noticed his left eye was thick and half closed, so Dorus didn't just surrender! :-))

Yeah, Ella, the poor boy was really down when I had just arrived, but cats are like small kids, the moment the pain is gone (even for a while), they feel much better and don't pretend. I no longer mention it to my friend, she says I'm right, but yet she'll let him have his outdoor adventures in the big bad world and worry about him when he doesn't show himself every now and again! Luckely she keeps him inside by night. Goofie always knew he couldn't go out in the garden after dark (not even supervised we didn't let him), but Dorus sometimes stays out until 10 PM.

You're so right, Marilyn, though Dorus isn't a screamer like many cats will do whilst fighting, but the injuries, like a cut in his ear(s) or the scratches he's had on his face/eye, will always inflame too(!)...hence the antibiotics....
Goofie has had some fights in our garden with a tresspassing neighbourhood kitty, he didn't yell either, but I did!...:-)

Thank you, Patsy, yes he looks great, but he was really down moments earlier. Fingers crossed he will stay well and recover from this nasty fight! (unfortunately it will be a case of ....until the next time! You and yours also have a SAFE, HEALTHY, HAPPY NEW YEAR, thank you.

Oh wow, mother123456, thank you for your story as well. Stimpy was in a complete different fight from Dorus...:-)) Dorus and this black cat are both male and also both are neutered....

Thank you, nillie, I really hope so too, I really felt for him, he was looking so sad before he felt a bit better. I'll inform about Dorus tomorrow when I call my friend to congratulate her on her birthday!♥♥

Thank you, ajandfran. It's very handy to have a Vet making house calls, it beats putting your cat in a bench and travel to a Vet's practice.
We don't have coyotes here wandering, but my friend also lives in a very busy traffic area ....and bully cat across the street who comes to fight with Dorus!:)


Aw, I'm so sorry Dorus has had such a tough time of it. I'm so glad he started eating and played with you when you were visiting, and I hope he will recover quickly. I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year, Impie!!


Poor little guy. Nice that he got in home treatment though. We don't let our kitties outside, but that's because of coyotes, not bully cats.


Wishing to Dorus a complite and quick recovery!♥♥


Here is to a swift recovery, my friend.

Thanks for your story. We had a cat that was orange and white and called it Stimpy. One summer day the children found her racing away from a big cat they had never seen before. They chased it away and kept her in the house for a while. In the fall our oldest son came in from the barn with Stimpy and asked us to look at her stomach because she was getting SO fat. Turned out she was pregnant & later had 3 kittens!
She was a wonderful Mom and the children loved looking after the kittens and gave them cute names.


Dorus, you look great in this photo. Hope you're feeling as good as you look by now.
Wishing you and your family, and Impie and her family and friends, a SAFE, HEALTHY, HAPPY new year.


It is awful to watch two pets get into a fight. It must have been very upsetting to see them roll off and fall while fighting. I know I would be.


Poor Dorus! I'm glad you're doing okay now. Do stay inside where it's safe and you don't have to worry about the neighborhood bullies.


Oh, Dorus...I'm so glad mum had the vet over to check you out...and especially give you some antibiotics against any infection from that bully! Wish everyone could get along... ❤️❤️❤️


Oh, Dorus. Please take good care of yourself and stop wandering into trouble outdoors! You just get well and get more and more beautiful.


Wishing you speedy recovery, Dorus! ....and maybe stay inside? Love your gorgeous tail. ;-)) ♥♥

Dorus, pretty boy how sad what happened to you, hope your recovery be fast

Oh sweet boy! I'm so glad your mom got the vet out to see you. Here's hoping for a quick recovery.


Her tail slays me!


Beautiful kitty please get well soon. One of the reasons I keep my kitty indoor is because there are feral cats in the neighbourhood and I don't want her to get beaten up. Happy New Year!

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15 August 2016 - 6 October 2014
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