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  1. marisela19:17
  2. audi28:00
  3. Barrel2232:09
  4. Lizaloop33:12
  5. sara3435834:01
  6. jpbart36:07
  7. danielb36:35
  8. Soupcan39:54
  9. brvroome43:00
  10. puzzlerplay44:13


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That was so much fun, even on my tiny laptop. Thanks Rebeka


thank you, i'm trying 😉

@bet43, here's another picture of that Vajrayana (i.e., Tibetan) Buddhist monastery. Not only do I wonder about access to food, but I also wonder about their sanitation facilities. I've heard that the bus trip to the monastery is both lengthy and quite rugged. Thanks for sharing this picture, @rebeka. I appreciate the excellence of the pictures/puzzles both of you post. Peace, Marg

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