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Bertie the Burmese

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165 pieces
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  1. Osmanka13:47
  2. ofehoyos14:34
  3. tallman18:01
  4. puppsgal18:13
  5. chita102318:33
  6. DottyM18:41
  7. pattyban19:39
  8. philippamargaret20:31
  9. Kenalp23:55
  10. starucha24:14


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Burmese come in several colours. Chocolate (dark), brown (medium), blue (grey), champagne.Bertie is a red.


I thought burmeses were a darker chocolate color? burmese was a combination of a siamese and a brown domestic short hair.
I can see the siamese contours of the face- but this a like a blondese?
VERY beautiful no matter!

Such a handsome boy

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