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Made by Nimrod in 1968 for Sears and sold as a Ted Williams pop-up. 10 x 10 Add-a-room. With the loft it was 15' high. Slept 11, i.e., 6 downstairs and with the ladder pulled up, 5 upstairs. The box was only 6 x 10 but kitchen bumped out in back giving more room inside. Torsion spring lift system so I'm not sure which got weaker with time, me or the springs.
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  1. evetr57:53
  2. qabalah8:25
  3. Googly8:45
  4. janeybo9:33
  5. boni33011:16
  6. wigma11:47
  7. Candyman6613:00
  8. spdean13:38
  9. loiso16:41
  10. CWGUY16:51


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Are brings back holidays over Easter with the family


Hey, Mazy, hi


HI, Mazy! Welcome back! :o)


hey, bandit! say hi.

Am I right, @PutterDutt ?

I just had my 30 reunion last year and I didn't involve myself at all. I was friends with the kids a grade older than me, so my grad class kinda means nothing.

But if anyone ever deigned to say hi, well, even after so many years, I'd at least say hi.

Unless she was a creepy stalker.... in that case...


Fascinating, but who are you? Contact me at I can look you up in the 1958 yearbook and alumni directory. We are both quite a bit older now-well, at least I am! Still in Ct-retired from teaching.


spdean: OMG, what are the chances. Of course I remember you. Didn't see you at the reunion last October. Are you still in the same town where you taught? If so, I can give you a call as there's no e-mail listing in the Alumni Directory. LD


I was going through my completed puzzles when I saw your comment about Ann Margaret Olsen- Ann-Margret. She was a year behind me at New Trier as well. Perhaps I knew you then. My name was Susan Penfield. I played competitive tennis and sang some lead parts in NT musicals. Long time ago. Perhaps you will never see this comment, but just in case. Small world!
The photo was AM with her ocelot cat.


Yup. That would do nicely!


@Mischa95 @PutterDutt

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