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Detail of one of the two bronze cats on the roof of "The Cat House", Riga, Latvia

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"Riga is famous for “Art Nouveau” and has tons of buildings in that style, but my mom wanted us to look at the older stuff first. My favorite house was the “cat house”. It has 2 cat statues on the roof. The story is that the merchant who owned the house wanted to join a guild but was rejected. To get revenge he placed the 2 cat statues on his roof with their rear ends facing the guild’s house. The guild took him to court and agreed to let the merchant in if he turned the cats around. " ----- Zada
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  1. thee3:06
  2. LexieD3:09
  3. JoeZab3:54
  4. Jtomlins4:03
  5. ellen4:14
  6. naijaforever4:40
  7. sheenpeen4:42
  8. nanapatsy4:43
  9. Bill_I_Am4:44
  10. dris6514:55


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Uh, you're right. How odd!?


Ah, more like fuzzy memory. I wasn't sure, so I trudged through pages of puzzles until I found it. Google site search didn't work this time :-(


Good memory!


It would, and in my opinion did make a good puzzle. At least I thought so back in December, 2013:


Feel free to post it if you would like to, catspaw.


Bill_I_Am, thanks for the link, I had a genuine laugh-out-loud reaction when I saw the name of the building. That image would make a great puzzle.


Hello, Bill-I-Am and dris651. So glad you both enjoyed the Riga rooftop cats.


I got a good laugh out of this one too, catspaw. Thanks! And by coincidence, a friend sent me this picture of a building in Riga the other day. It's considerably older than Art Nouveau, but the name of it just cracked me up!


Thanks for posting this, catspaw. As a Latvian, I get a real kick out of this one (both my parents were from Riga). I did not know about this house or the story, so I had fun and learned something new! And thanks to Bommom for the heads up!

Fun puzzle and I love the story! Thanks for sharing.

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