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" Today I'm a Cloud ! "

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Minikins Oops is showing that not just her pantaloons are white as she stretches out on the cooling mat. If she pretends to be a cloud, maybe it will rain today, and bring her good luck. Her thoughts: ☁️ + 💦 = 🌧️ = 🍀= 😺
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  1. Ninja20230:12
  2. greet490:14
  3. Jackie480:15
  4. dobrajaneckova0:15
  5. Jaz93660:17
  6. togocat0:17
  7. Ianto0:18
  8. introvertka0:18
  9. wshealy0:21
  10. treker0:21


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@beyondwords It's good she decided to do this, so I could have another photo to identify her if she's ever lost. Her grey mottled top did sneak its way in. 🥰


@Bugster She seems to have had her curiosity appeased or at least knows how to look at things now. 😄 I'm letting her be chubby for awhile.


Minikins' nose had been looking good lately. She has a beautiful one. 💕


@beyondwords Most of my animals aren't truly scared of thunderstorms because I feel pretty much the same as you. I think yours probably don't either as calmness from us helps them. Newly rescued animals are different as they can come with baggage. First storm with Lily, she ran to the bathroom and hid behind the toilet. She now will seek me out and want to be like glue. I often cover her ears with my hands to count out till the bang. Interesting changes are happening. Last thunderstorm, she ate her dinner in-between.

The tube treats are overpriced, but that's what makes them useful and not a daily treat. I keep them in the fridge to preserve, but warm with my hands before giving. The foster cats/kittens learn to know the sight and sound of the treat packaging, and the scissors I use. They will come for that, too. They actually line up (and talk) to share because I've taught them also that pushy doesn't win.🙄

I also will take one aside for odd reasons to give a tube treat - nail trimming, not eating, sadness, vet appt., etc. If anyone accidentally gets outside without a harness, they will also return for a waving package of tube treats. And I sit in the grass to reward before bringing inside. 💕💖💕


How clever of you to connect thunder and treats.
I like thunderstorms, like the ones I grew up with in Oklahoma. Here in Alberta we don't get loud thunder very often, mostly just rumbling, and the lightning here is mostly boring as long as we're safe indoors. I haven't even paid attention to how our cats react.
I guess it's time for me and then our cats to discover tube treats.


@beyondwords I neglected to mention they like the rain, especially if it thunders (not necessarily on top of us). I've taught them to expect a tube treat if there is a thunderstorm, so the whole family runs to the kitchen to remind me. 😁


@Neeters1 This is definitely a family trait as all of them do - think the kittens learned from the parents, Sita and Inky. (My others do also, including the former feral.) Brownie Blue, Minikin's sister, showed her tummy constantly when the fur wasn't growing back after spaying. She, too, spends a lot of time on her back now. I'll link you to one of her puzzles. 😊


A beautiful, mostly white cloud.


She's a cutie! My oldest cat, Ubi, always naps on his back too!

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

30 December 2020 - 12 July 2018
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