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  1. Sonny915:56
  2. Emmoris9:59
  3. SixtiesKid10:29
  4. osersan11:19
  5. opallia11:53
  6. frap13:43
  7. RickAgain14:17
  8. Wrw14:20
  9. Mapmaker15:46
  10. JJim17:26


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These cars were very popular in rural America and they kept AMC going for a long time. Esp. if you consider later derivatives. I remember reading somewhere that the idea was of "grass roots" origins, with an engineer and a few others who had already pulled together many of the parts when some executive type came by and inquired. It was put on the front burner soon thereafter. YMMV.


WOW1Thank you!


thanks Jim. My older brother was named Jim. These cars came with 4 wheel drive that made it easy for them to be used in rural locations. Very nice cars.


A good car.

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