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Cat Delivering Flowers (Sep17P49)

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540 pieces
356 solves
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"Knowing how to age and not being afraid of aging is very healthy."
- Evelyn Lauder.

This puzzle is posted in 4 sizes - 35, 108, 154 and 540 pieces.
Please enjoy.
I wish you good health.

Cheerio, Jason :-)

jasonchung2 is my main account.
I also post puzzles at jasonchung (my second account).
jasonchung1 (my third account) is now a sealed account, however, you can still solve puzzles there.

Puzzle 365
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  1. JG54648:24
  2. Acko50:31
  3. Diannamal50:31
  4. nsjdnqa52:52
  5. pescia56254:01
  6. piano354:49
  7. JeanneP55:48
  8. trich57:47
  9. msss58:06
  10. GoldenCat58:18


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:)) Good night, Jason.


Thank you for being so understanding, Robin.

I do like to reply to each comment individually as the solver has taken the time and made the effort to post a comment :-)

And your comments are always welcome for I can feel their sincerity :-)


This really was a special one. So cute! It's OK if you don't reply, I just gotta have my say! :))


Oh Robin, I have missed the notification on your comment. Just come across it when I am doing some housekeeping on my puzzles.

I am happy that you like the little cat and the flowers :-))

Thank you for appreciating all the little details in my drawing :-)

Have a wonderful day.



Thanks for the nice puzzle. I love the little cat and all the flowers. You did a lot of detailed painting which does not go unnoticed... I hope your day is full of happy surprises. :)


Thank you Kfolstad and the compliment. I am happy to hear from you.


You are welcome, Bob. Happy reading.


Another excellent puzzle!

Well done Jason. Time to read.


You are welcome, Nancy. Glad that you like this puzzle :-)


Good puzzle Jason thanks so much


Hello GoldenCat, you are welcome.

I am pleased to meet you, my new visitor. Welcome to my puzzle page.

It is wonderful to know that you like this puzzle and that you had lots of fun piecing it together :-)


Thanks Jason - a great puzzle - lots of fun ! Cheers :))


Hello CarolMP, I am pleased to meet you. Welcome to my puzzle page :-)

Thank you for taking the time to write a note to let me know that you like this kind of challenging puzzle. I like them too. They are good healthy fun.

Love this kind of challenging puzzle!


Mrs Quinn, it is always a joy to hear that you have enjoyed my puzzles and that they are fun for you to piece them together.

Thank you for bringing joy to my heart :-)


jason fun puzzle my time was 1:41:03 not on the leaderboard but enjoyed doing this one!


Hi Robin, you are welcome and thank you for the compliment.

You are right, a puzzle that is more challenging is more fun to solve. It is a mind exercise and relaxation and fun at the same time.


almost at the end and I got bogged to do is always the sign of a good puzzle...I loved it did a great job.....robin

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