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Medium Sized Screens

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80 pieces
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  1. monza0062:23
  2. mags1792:26
  3. life23:02
  4. 2dogs7cats3:20
  5. tlovejoy3:29
  6. w84itslywbt3:30
  7. kara13:36
  8. madera3:39
  9. norbal3:41


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You're very welcome, naturelover. I'm a lover of nature too. We must be related to each other in some way. LOL :-)))))


Thanks so much, Sue. I LOVED creating this one. :-)


Fun one, thanks, Wendy.


I never heard of garden sieves. But I see you are terrorizing the neighborhood again. hehehe


The round ones remind me of garden sieves!! Thanks Wendy :~))


Edie! I just saw your lovely 2dogs and 7cats sitting in the top spot but also saw that they left no comment, but then a comment appeared and I knew it must be yours (or the dogs and/or cats). :-)


Glad that you decided to bring them back again in this size. They really are a lot of fun to solve. Thanks Wendy

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