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The moment you realize you don't want children ...

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Now that is a great picture. Looks like they are just attacking her, not clinging. I'll take all three if you please. Sweet.

Wondered if they wanted to nurse, Pammi. Glad you liked this one so much. :)

Bet a lot of moms feel that way, cappy. :)

Thanks, 6tc. :)


So funny!

I bet that mother, can't wait for her kids too grow up. enjoy.


This has got to be one of the greatest kitty pictures to date, YO. I can't stop laughing at this poor darling striving to walk with all these furry hangers-on attached to her. ☺☺☺☺☺☺



valt46, might have been the first time they were outside, they look pretty young...Sherry :)))


Wow I have never seen Kittens clinging on like this before☺


I'm sure Mom is happy with her little family, her look says she has a lot on her mind. Like, get off me and walk on your own.

Liked the caption whether facial expression or body language wins out. :)

Она не счастлива. :)

Well surprisingly...I went on the internet...When your cat holds her tail high in the air as she moves about her territory, she's expressing confidence and contentment. A tail that sticks straight up signals happiness and a willingness to be friendly. And watch the tip of an erect tail. A little twitch can mean a particularly happy moment....go figure...Sherry :)))

This is so funny!!! ...I think mom may be saying, never mind the burger, Valium, please!! ...Sherry :)))


LOL! Poor Miss Kitty!


The expression on her - not just her face - tells us that she would welcome a spay very soon. ;o))


Ого! Мать-героиня!!!!

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