A wise man once said, "Judge not another mans faith for who's to say yours is true." That in and of itself sums up my opinion of this puzzle. While I don't completely believe the analogy is as accurate as it should be, it's far from being incorrect. A Pagan is defined, in it's simplest form, is following a religion that existed prior to Christianity. Almost all nature based religions, be it Wicca or Druidism etc, are considered "Pagan" religions but they were the original religions of mankind. Those who still follow those religions are scorned by those of other religions even though many of them state that judgement is reserved for their deity.
I'm a Christian and proud of it. However, I believe that all people have a right to their own beliefs and that you should respect their choice. Regardless of your religion, we will all meet our maker when we pass from this world and only then will we learn the truth. Always remember the old adage - "Judge not lest ye be judged."
wouldn't upset me, as an a-theist I don't believe in any of them. I do believe in evil as a power but nobody accuses Pagans of worshipping evil, do they? And 'Believers' don't have a monopoly on goodness. All this good christian values stuff of being kind to all beings, loving ones family, being faithful etc, non believers do that just as much.
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