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Panoramic Flower Gardens Shikisai-no-oka, Biei, Japan

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Oh my, isn't this something!

In Today's Daily Jigsaw puzzle, we visit the Panoramic Flower Gardens Shikisai-no-oka in Biei, Hokkaido, Japan. This stunning landscape features rolling hills covered in vibrant fields of flowers.

The gardens opened in 1999; they span about 15 hectares and feature various flowers that bloom from spring to fall. The most famous flowers here include lavender, sunflowers, tulips, and cosmos, creating a rainbow of colors that change throughout the year.

The name "Shikisai-no-oka" translates to "Hills of Seasonal Colors," a fitting title that underscores the garden's unique feature of showcasing the changing beauty of each season. This mission was the driving force behind the garden's development, which aimed to highlight the agricultural landscape of Biei and promote tourism in the area. Since its opening, Shikisai-no-oka has become a popular destination for Japanese and international visitors drawn to its glorious scenery and the opportunity to capture the colorful flower fields in their ever-changing splendor.

Shikisai-no-oka operates with a small core team of around 50 staff members who manage the gardens and cater to tourists year-round. Seasonal workers are also employed during peak seasons to help maintain the garden's stunning displays and manage the influx of visitors​ ♥

But enough talk - let's go see the gardens for ourselves. Are you coming? (Say yes! ♥)
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  1. yosshiofficial2:26
  2. mvt2:31
  3. wildbrat3:13
  4. tom_kuehn3:15
  5. Druimisla3:15
  6. JG5463:22
  7. kernow3:31
  8. wujaszekdolf3:42
  9. melissaw3:47
  10. Spybeak3:48


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Oh, My Lord. This is beautiful. Can you imagine how many workers it takes to work fields like this/ Grand. 10-3-24

Very very beautiful.




@Siena @maryoz2014 @suechef @rainbowbc2 @Hdarlene Thank you all for solving! This is indeed a magical image! 🤗


What a breathtaking view. It's incredible how so few of people are able to keep this looking so beautiful.

Thank you for this puzzle. I took my time putting it together because I wanted to enjoy discovering every inch of it. So "BEAUTIFUL"!!!

Love the puzzle, love the tour. Soothes the soul. So gorgeous💕😍❤


This is so beautiful! : )

Lovely colourful picture, and nice tour around the garden's. Thank you for posting.

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