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This tired boy is Pusic... please watch the video... you'll enjoy it!

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Pusic lives in Belarus. He was rescued as a very sick, homeless kitten. Like most kittens, he tore up the toilet paper until his humans got him interested in cat toys. As a treat, his people "decorated" a room with 100 rolls of paper and let him relive his youth.
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Pammi - thanks for the names. I learned about them from someone commenting on another post. Cats with their own YouTube channels... we waste too much time! Glad you enjoyed this silliness.


Hi morepiecesplz, I can't stop laughing. How gorgeous to see this kitty having the time of his life. I'm walking around with a silly grin on my face. Total fun. ☺☺☺

P.S. the Japanese cat(s) are Maru and Hana. ☺


I, like you, could watch these all day :))


You guys don't realize how happy you make me when you enjoy a post - thanks!!


What fun! The treadmill is great -- first class athlete in training here. :-)


Just watched the treadmill - loved it! I found myself clapping on day six and saying "you go kitty" on day 7, so much fun. Thanks again mpp, I'll be smiling all day!


Thanks mpp, I bookmarked your puzzle so I can come back and copy the links to watch and to share.


@manicpuzzler - there are other videos - he must be like 'Grumpy Cat' and that Japanese cat (forgot the name). Do not watch unless you are truly interested or have a lot of time - cat videos take up too much of our day!

This is Pusic figuring out a treadmill - he's a smart boy!


I changed my thought when I saw what fun Pusic was having :))


oh poo - It was a lovely gift for a rescued sick and homeless kitten.
I never once thought of tidiness or wastefulness.


I must admit I was first thinking of the waste of paper!


That's a nice outlook - all I could think of was "Who's cleanin' this up?"


Brilliant, what a lovely thing for those people to do :))


You're so welcome - thanks for watching! I'm envious of that loooong slide.


Loved it! Absolutely adorable and hilarious, thanks for sharing mpp.


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