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Beautiful Wales 3 - Porthgain Harbour

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Porthgain is a small coastal hamlet on the north coast of St Davids Peninsula.

The Welsh name means 'Chisel Port' referring to the quarrying that once took place there. Structures remain from this historical industry, including a lime kiln, harbour and pilot's house.

Porthgain is located in the heart of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and is only only seven miles outside the tiny city of St Davids.
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  1. intrepidmel11:13
  2. LeNordique11:30
  3. Zazooboo14:17
  4. Mapman19:51
  5. kbr20:10
  6. slh5507720:38
  7. lindalinda55521:09
  8. Biss1922:46
  9. jmpaynter23:48
  10. abihook24:18


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