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Salmon Supper

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  1. StarBrie16480:10
  2. popoko0:11
  3. lordmojo0:12
  4. Ianto0:14
  5. DrMary0:16
  6. stephen0:17
  7. lindas0:17
  8. pumpkinhead0:17
  9. yarnover0:17
  10. ssmith21470:18


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Impeccably transferred from plate to mouth, too, lol! Take care, dear Suzy.


A delight to the eyes, and impeccably plated as well. :)


Thank you, Brie, you make me blush!


oops! That's moi! I went to my other old star to find the puzzle of Zena's goodies!


I had the great experience of meeting Zena just over a year ago at a bake/craft sale at Flitwick to the north west of London in Bedfordshire. I think I am right that she lives near to there but I can clearly remember her absolutely delicious cakes
She is an excellent baker!


Happy New Year! Help yourselves, do; that's what food is for.


I agree StarBrie...where does she live?


Happy New Year Zena! That looks so delicious and I am sure you would love to share LOL!

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