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Wind chill -31°F (-35°C)...

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As promised, the wind picked up with a vengeance last night, and in blew the arctic air. The *high* today expected to be around -8°F (-22°C), and a Wind Chill Warning is in effect until 1 PM tomorrow. Low tonight expected to be -20°F (-29°C).

Luckily, it's supposed to last only one day, and be back above zero by tomorrow.
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thanks for the info, Don. I use for my forecast and have dabbled a bit with the charts and data, but not to the extent you do!


Sunday's the day I download the week's weather data to my charts. It turns out that yesterday set a record for low temperature for the day in this area. Massena (20 miles north, -28°F; Gouverneur (35 miles west-southwest, -31°F), Malone (38 miles east, -26°F) were all record lows. The forecast is for the daytime highs to go back above freezing for the next 5 days. That may make the snowpack heavier, and I'll have to consider some snow removal from the porch roof at the new place....


P.S. I forgot to mention, you can enter any year back to (I think) 1948(?), and see the chart for that year!


@pumpkinhead Suzy, I found another useful NWS chart. Go to:

That's the NWS "past climate" data for the Albany area, with many substations listed throughout the area covered. Select "Temperature graphs" and "Water Year (Oct 22 - Sep 23)", and click Go. You'll see the chart of temperatures - a bar from min to max each day - against bands representing the normal high and low range, and the record highs and lows. You can drag across a section to expand it, and hovering over any given day shows the stats for that day. So yesterday, Albany's low was -10°F, compared to a record low of -18°F in 1955.

This is essentially the graph I generate each year, and it uses the same data range I settled on - but anybody can get it for their area. If you can locate a substation closer to where you live, you can refine the data (my area is Burlington, VT, but I use Massena Intl Airport for my temperature data, and Gouverneur and Malone for snow data (which Massena doesn't report).

Exploring your data, I see that you set record highs for the day on November 5th and 12th, and December 30th. The chart makes it clear how much warmer than normal late October and the first weeks of November were.


-17 here this morning.

Good ol Mt. Washington....does it make a difference if the wind chill is -90 or-108??? Not in my world, @JM_Cookie !


@JM_Cookie -47°F and winds over 100 mph? -108°F wind chill? Frostbite in less than a minute? Thanks, but no thanks - and I hope they were automated readings. I can't imagine being posted on Mt. Washington in January and February!

That is way to many clothes, for me. But since it works for you:-)))

I'm glad that you only needed it the one time. And doe a good reason.


@Ianto I wear waffle long johns under my blue jeans all winter, although they're not sufficient for this weather. However, I inherited some clothes my father had accumulated for standing around in the cold on deer hunting stands. They include a close-fitting down undercoat, which can be worn under the outer jacket (and a few vests, but I like the whole jacket to keep my arms warm) and a pair of down pants which fit under oversized, suspender-supported heavy wool pants. I've only needed that rig once - when snowblowing in sub-zero weather - but I'm confident that if I have to go out, I can cope.


What do you think of that Mount Washington story..


When you drive on snow in these temperatures, it squeaks; at low speeds, your tires make more noise than the engine. My car started all right, but I couldn't get it warm; my breath was freezing on the inside of the windshield.

-24°F this morning, although the wind has subsided enough that it's only -33°F wind chill. Temps fell slowly all day yesterday; today they'll rise slowly. Should get above zero in early afternoon, to 11°F by midnight, and around 25°F by the time I get up tomorrow. It may even get above freezing tomorrow, and bring rain/snow.

Still, we're doing well compared to last January - the coldest in at least twelve years. 21 days when the temperature fell below zero, including 8 when the temps fell below -20°F, with a low of -30°F. January is the coldest month of the year, and that one was almost 10°F colder than normal. It was alleviated by the daytime temps being above zero all but one day, so it wasn't so bad for working outside or getting around.

I am at 14F. I wore my PJ bottoms under my jeans when I went for my walk.


We have +1F ( -17C ) this morning in Burlington Canada. When you walk on the ice and snow it sounds like broken glass.


Yikes! Way too cold for me. Nice to snuggle inside as long as the power stays on. Good luck with your winter.


It's the wind that makes it extra cold, and it can also blow stuff around. I hope you (and everybody!) can stay safe and warm inside at least till tomorrow.
In Calgary we're coming out of a cold snowy spell thanks to a chinook (warm winds from the mountains). Now the wind has died down and the temperature is way up to 9°C (49F) just for today.


Date seems right, Don. It was my senior year as I remember now which was 1957-58.


We are in the hot zone! 3 F with a -20 WC.

Of course, I had to go out for 2 appointments today; the good thing is that not many people were on the roads! I got out my LL Bean parka which I haven't had to wear in 3 years!

Hang in there, you northerners. Tomorrow will be better and Sunday downright balmy!


stay inside and keep warm. it's -2 degrees here (WC -30). looks lovely outside, crows are calling, so something's moving around in the "back 40".


The record low here is also -40°F, back in 1957. I actually think I remember it, listening to the house shrink at night and dreading what would happen if we lost power.


Brrrrr Stay warm, Don.
I remember one year in college (central Massachusetts) when it was -40 for a couple of days. Didn't miss any classes. College had its own power plant and underground heating. In between buildings was another story.

Stay inside.

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