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An old refurbished passenger car I got to ride in from the 1950s.

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The Everett Railroad Co pulls trains around central from Hollidaysburg, Pa.
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  1. rrfan7:59
  2. quickdraw8:56
  3. Ktownkid9:45
  4. MAD_MILKO10:00
  5. RedSoxFan680110:25
  6. HelDoRe10:25
  7. vfgtezz10:36
  8. P9westy12:37
  9. RickAgain13:00
  10. cdw8913:49


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I got to recently ride on 3 different RRs on a bus trip. We first went to Hollidaysburg, Pa. and rode the Everett RR. Then we went to Cumberland, Md. to ride the Western Maryland Scenic RR. The last stop was in Elkins, West Virginia to ride the Durbin & Greenbrier Valley RR. The last night there we went to the Gandy Dancer Theatre to watch a Premier show with music from the 50’s.

The back of the seats flip over for the other direction of travel. You can always face forward in the direction of travel.


It's amazing that you came from the 50's in this. Neat puzzle.

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