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No Art - Just Colors 3

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Doodle is a lot of fun. No great art but I hope it‘s worth a puzzle.
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  1. aczym5:45
  2. Kfgg7:48
  3. Mojca8:01
  4. dad25068:23
  5. dankazpr9:24
  6. testroet9:57
  7. Lili3810:46
  8. kidtamer11:43
  9. seaurchin1312:22
  10. ShariWB13:34


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Thanks for asking. It is only my hobby. And I can see in your kaleidoscopes that you are into black with bright colors.
I’m sure you already have created a lot of kaleidoscope tie dye yourself. :-)
I draw and then use a cutting plotter with thermo-transfer film and press it on print screen. And now I print on fabric. It can be pre dyed or I paint and airbrush more color.
It is really easier than it sounds. You should try to create and wear your own color design.


What do you create? Art prints, t-shirts with art, anything that can be purchased? The black designs are my favorite of all time. I can't explan what attracts me to that style but they speak right to me. I also love tie dye and the brightly colored background. I'm used to dabble in tie dye and india ink splatters in my college days but that was ancient times.

Thank you. The black markings are one of the styles I use for my screen printing. The background look a bit like something I’m able to create with fabric and tye dye.


Loved this puzzle and art. Thanks so much. Cheers!

Thanks. Actually, while creating it I thought it is easy. But solving it myself was harder than expected. ;-)

Thanks for creating it! I found it much more challenging than it looked! 😀

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