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Snowy-Range-Perseids meteor shower

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the best-known annual meteor shower in August
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  1. auntmom70:55
  2. Ianto0:56
  3. alias2v1:22
  4. fnromber1:25
  5. Breezair1:28
  6. rejeana751:31
  7. Tiffysora1:31
  8. Ohmyword1:37
  9. NGausF1:41
  10. klmc1:43


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Glad I could help, Lilli.


Called daughter to walk me through this...
I wish she had told me this, like a year ago !! 💥
You, sir, are greatly appreciated !! 💛 Lilli 🤍


If you have an Android smartphone [rather that an iPhone], you can open the picture in your gallery and tap on it and you will see the word "share". Click on "share and it will give you options - like send it to your email. When you open your email with the picture in it, right click on the picture and go down to "save as" and place it in your pictures. From your pictures you can put in into Jigidi as a puzzle. I don't have an iPhone so I am not sure of the procedure for it.


Can you explain in more detail how I can take a picture from my phone, share it with someone (you?) and be able to make it into a puzzle...sounds like you know something that I don't... You were talking to PD, this is one site you can answer as there are no posted comments...thanks !!

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