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Flower for today :-)

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  1. JillianB0:28
  2. nkwrw0:28
  3. ullauhrskov0:29
  4. alias2v0:33
  5. angldst0:37
  6. Ianto0:41
  7. jetmakr0:41
  8. lenty0:42
  9. Junko0:45
  10. Sissel0:45


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Thank you Nicco and Joan. People can be funny. In birdseed there can mostly be hampseeds because of the oil. The hamp is a kind of mariuanna but with nothing in so you can smoke it. People get completly crazy if there comes a plant up during summer. But the plant is beautiful and makes seeds for the birds.
People are scared of things they dont know :-)))))


I grew poppies at my last house.
The neighbors were up in arms that I might be growing opium!
I tried to calm them down, telling them that they were not opium poppies.


A stunning shot, Sissel, thank you!


Thank you so much PCVS :-)))))

Oh I love this!


Thank you so much Janet and hugs :-))))

He has PW. You have both taken 1. grade of thes flowers :-)))))

Thank you so much Jill :-))))

:-))) Alias



Gorgeous close-up of this perfect poppy Thank you


What a pretty poppy posy, as my fellow student has noted.


What a beautiful poppy thanks Sissel, hugs to you dear friend. 💕❤️❤️


Thank you Neville. Color and no work makes this flower great :-))))

Thank you so much Raaike. I have now nearly finished my minigarden, but I guess more will come during summer :-))))) Hugs


Here you also see them appearing everywhere, the beautiful poppies. :-))) ♥


Sissel, you've picked a perfect Poppy posy for us today. They are such cheerful flowers. ♥♥♥

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