Anna-I have gotten to know you through your puzzles. If we were to meet someday, I believe we would talk for hours, without taking a breath. Although we are halfway around the earth from each other, we are as close as our keyboards. There IS something good about technology! :)
Hope the little guy is getting stronger every day!
So much for the little tyke to go through! Your medical team sounds like they know what they are doing, and the fact that he's improving is such great news. Problem is, the little guy can't tell them what's wrong, so they have to figure it out for him.
Sending good hugs your way, Anna!
No, We have been told the tests take 3 - 4 days to get results. But good news baby is improving. He was having what looked like little seizures and they seem to have stopped for the moment. They did 2 spinal lumber punches and many other tests. There has been wires and electrodes coming from his head recording brain waves and patterns. They had to take him off milk in case he was reacting to a protein or something. He has a feeding tube down his little nose and into his belly, feeding him with just glucose I think. Giving him heaps of antibiotics in case its Meningitis or some other infection. But as I said before he seems to be improving. Thanks Suzy, for your kind thoughts. Anna
I am so sorry to hear that Anna!! Do they have any results of the tests yet? I share your worry, and will check back every day to see if you have posted any updates. My thoughts are with you and the family.
Yes Suzy, there birthday dates are with in two weeks of each other. And yes dad will be here. Talking about birthdays. My brother & his wife has made me an auntie again by having there third child this morning. A boy, 9.4 pounds. Anna
Yeah, its been there a while, look at the dust. I think we will need more than one bottle of wine for the party though. My sons are turning 16 and 18, we are having a BBQ birthday lunch for them in a couple of weekends time.
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