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Solar Eclipse April 2024

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Picture taken by me, not photoshopped, of solar eclipse April 2024 in southern New York state...
Although there were some clouds. we were able to snap this picture where the sun was almost covered by the moon.
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  1. nkwrw1:02
  2. auntmom71:13
  3. MNBrown1:25
  4. Jackie481:25
  5. GalBr1:26
  6. Ianto1:26
  7. hiccups1:26
  8. albertwinestein1:27
  9. rsb4041:27
  10. racoonstar1:28


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We watched the eclipse from the rooftop of our condo building,on the 23rd floor. Lots of people were there, and it was a real party atmosphere! We have a lovely view of Lake Ontario from there, and the Niagara Escarpment. The clouds dissipated, and we had a terrific time!
Congratulations on your new place. My dad went to Hobart College in Geneva, and we always loved passing through the Finger Lakes.


Terrific shot, Lilli! 😎🤗❤️


Great photo Lilli, well done. (⁎❛⟠❛⁎)


Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.


Just wonderful, Lilli!!! What a memorable way to "break in" the deck of your new vacation home--with a solar eclipse!! The clouds (in my opinion) add to the mystery of the moment. and the branches bring the viewer back to earth, so to speak.
Congratulations and thanks for the puzzle!!

It is cool.


Thank you so much Lilli for sharing this wonderful pic :-))))))


Lilli, a super picture, and thank you for the tag.
It wasn't visible to those of us in the Southern Hemisphere, so I'm delighted to see it. ♥♥♥


Truly an stunning photo of an exceptional happening! The silver clouds with darkness behind is exquisite! Thank you, lilliwebs! 😍


Great picture! Thanks so much for sharing. 😀


Well, finally I get to see the eclipse!!! I was in a plane when it happened! Thanks so much Lilli!!!


@Hismorts 😁 Pretty sure you can't see a waning moon at 3:30 in the afternoon !!
So, my notes say your name is Bob and you live somewhere in California ??
An eclipse is bound to come your way at some point, I hope 🌺 Lilli


lilliwebs, it looks like the other way around. Like a picture of the waning moon. Thanks for sharing this awesome picture. We couldn't see it from the West coast.

Amazing picture! I got to see the eclipse in totality, couldn't get a good picture. You would have done much better!


Great picture. We were close to the eclipse, but not close enough to see the moon over the sun. It just got darker like it would at twilight and the sun was dimmed, but people in the north east part of New Brunswick saw the total eclipse.



Taken from my back deck, as planned 😄


Good photo. You were lucky to live where you could see it.


Beautiful shot! Impressive!


Nice one, Lilly. I love the treetops in the foreground. :-)


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