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A perfect photo of this beautiful flower!
Taken by Eddie from his garden in 2023.
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  1. mariolyn0:55
  2. Ianto1:00
  3. patsquire1:01
  4. 4wings51:09
  5. Farawayvoices1:16
  6. Ohmyword1:18
  7. Kayker1:19
  8. madpol1:21
  9. BOHU51CZ1:25
  10. tansiokchoo1:27


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Thanks, dar-ling! ☺


@patsquire I loved your stories! A similar story to your blacktop story happened. The first spring after I bought my house I went into the back yard to plant flowers and rearrange existing flowers. I started to dig and low and behold! I hit all the shingles they had taken when they replaced the roof. Anyway, everything worked out. Good luck with your lilacs! When I was growing up we had a couple in our back yard.


Oh sure, they thrived. And they were beautiful. ☺


Were your lilac bushes able to grow there?


Thanks, and the same to you!

In 1978 we bought a house on a generous plot of land in a suburban neighborhood south of Rochester, NY (We moved there from Rochester, New Hampshire!) We decided to plant a row of lilacs at the back border of our yard so I bought six plants and went out there with a shovel. Only a couple of inches down I hit something very hard, so I moved a foot or two along the property line. But I hit the same thing there too. So I shoveled the dirt away and found that it was blacktop!

It turned out that the contractor who made our driveway had dumped his leftover blacktop right along our property line for about 30 feet! Later the builder spread topsoil and laid sod. I had to get the pick and make holes through the blacktop for six bushes. I made the holes big enough for the plants to grow in later years. Isn't life strange????


Yes, I noticed your mention of the gram...☺😆
We have lots of flowers here, like bougainvillea, lantana, Arizona yellow bells, jasmine, hibiscus, and lots of others as well as cactus flowers.
Your daffodils sound marvelous, they are such a beautiful flower along with tulips.
My brother, Eddie, has a gorgeous lilac bush in his yard which smells heavenly, so I can agree with you on wanting to plant one or several in your yard. Have a happy day! ☺


YES! I have hundreds of daffodils in large beds on all sides of this place! When I moved here in December I intended to plant forsythia (yellow) and lilac bushes. But when spring came this whole neighborhood just exploded with yellow! I've never seen anything like it. It's beautiful, and amazing. So there's no need to plant any more forsythia as they are EVERYWHERE! I will definitely be planting lilacs, though. I love them and they smell so good. There are some red roses, too. ☺

(Did you notice the unit of measure I chose was the gram?) ☺

Does your climate permit flowers, or does it limit you to things like cactus and such? I remember living in Trinidad there were only scrub plants with tiny flowers, and lots of cactus.


Do you have lots of flowers at your new house, Pat?


What I know about flowers you could fit in a one gram bottle, with a gram to spare. But if this isn't a morning glory I'll eat my hat! ☺



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