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Merci le peintre inconnu

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Found it on the net. No id, no name, it was a bright idea for a sketch of my own. Now, all I have to say is merci le peintre inconnu! :o)
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Awe, shucks, hahahahah!


Oh, mydogetc, you have the ability to surpass yourself over and over. Excuse me, but these words of yours are really magnificent! :o)


I LOVE this! Truly, the colors work so well together, and look how happy the buildings are! Everyone is glad it's a great day for laundry. You are right Bill, lyrical is a great word for the way he paints. This is a happy tune for sure! No magnificent words here, rato, just a great appreciation of your talent. All those open windows! The buildings are breathing deep on this sunny day. And that lovely breeze!


Well, that sure is a coincidence and then maybe not - there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our vain philosophy (please excuse me, I could not resist). :-\


I don't have a dog. And what's funny is that I originally typed "mydogetc" and then changed it to "mydog...fleas"!


I don't know if you have a dog, Bill, but if you do, I'm sure he doesn't have fleas, and that is comforting. Nevertheless, I suspect mydogetc will display magnificent words as usual. That also is comforting!


Lovely, lyrical linework, as usual, Fernando. It's comforting! I'm sure mydog...fleas will come up with some better words for it. :-)

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