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The remains of the cathedral of Donnelaithe?
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  1. Valgirl71:32
  2. Ribs2:09
  3. Blix2:09
  4. mikies2:22
  5. als2:27
  6. wizardjt2:28
  7. ennog2:30
  8. inny2:31
  9. EsBunny2:36
  10. PuzOz2:39


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It's Whitby Abbey, east coast of Yorkshire. Whitby's a lovely little town famous for its association with Dracula! In Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula causes a storm to drive the ship bringing him to England into Whitby harbour, where he leaps off the ship in the form of a huge dog and runs to hide in the abbey graveyard.


Oh how I would love to see this! :)

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