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Today in the Garden 5/4/2024

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In a front yard bed are Royal Red Zone Lantana (front border), At Last Roses (left), and Knockout Roses (back).
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Margie, your roses are lovely. I haven't had much success with standard roses, but I have a couple of minutes in pots on the porch. One do as well as I want, but the other just goes and goes. I envy your gift. 🌺💕


Thanks, Mila!


They are all beautiful!


Oh, that is good to hear that your lantana returns every year. I hope mine does. I, too, grew yellow knockouts, and (same as yours) they did well for a while and finally died. I replaced one with an At Last rose (peach) and recently planted a Julia Child rose (yellow). Julia Child is small and hasn't bloomed yet but has buds. The third rose I planted is Ebb Tide, which is blooming now. It's a beautiful purple.


I used to have a knockout yellow that in days turns so pale is almost white. It just came out to the market few years ago. It did well for a while and then died. And I have 3 huge yellow Lantanas the previous owner left. We cut them down at the end of the season and they come back every year.

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