To: carolrobinson I can tell how fond of that dog you were - AND it seems she was absolutely thrilled to be in your loving care. Sounds like she was VERY happy.
I had a Greyhound dog. She was a rescue from the "Racing Scene". I loved that dog. She was a beautiful tan color. We have a huge back yard, almost all in grass and she LOVED to go out and run. She made up her own "track". She would start back by the gate, tear across the land out into our dirt and run around the miniature Orange tree, back to the start. She would run it three times. And no dog can grin like a Greyhound and she would be grinning all the way. She loved for us to urge her on. I only had her for three years but that was fine. I am just glad I could give her those fun three years. But she gave more to me. It took her almost those three years to finally love us. What a great dog she was and thank you for this puzzle that brought back those memories and I must confess, a tear or two. Thank you so much for this puzzle.
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