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Young Mother Sewing

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The artwork in Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle is titled "Young Mother Sewing" (1900), and the artist is Mary Cassatt ♥

Mary Cassatt (1844–1926) was an American painter and printmaker best known for her intimate depictions of mothers and children.

She was one of the few women to become a central figure in the male-dominated Impressionist movement in Paris. Despite being American, she gained recognition in France before being fully appreciated in her homeland. Cassatt was also a strong advocate for women's rights, subtly infusing her work with themes of female independence.

Her close friendship with fellow artist Edgar Degas profoundly influenced her style, however, their relationship cooled due to personal and professional disagreements. This rift led her to further assert her own vision, cementing her legacy as a pioneering artist in her own right.

You can find more information on Mary Cassatt here
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Fabulous artist!!


Love this.


Lovely and thank you. 8-13-24

Thank you. Love Mary Cassatt's art!


How sad that all people are not free as the others. No one has a choice of what sex or race they will be.



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