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" Awake, But I'm Not Moving ! "

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Laviini rested a long time using Missy's curled up body as his pillow. Now he's awake, but it's still a great spot for being lazy. Missy is still asleep.
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@Martasonia Yes, it was another moment in time. Moments are fleeting, but great memories last for eternities. 🥰


@beyondwords This picture is sort of odd - in it he looks angular with no neck 🤨 and Missy is a round ball 🙄 - no body parts, just fur. 😄 He's a large, but slender kitten now. I'll have to weigh them all soon. He thinks he's still a baby and worries about where he can fit, then stretches out and takes all the space he can.


He has a very angular face and looks small. But I take it from other comments that he's actually large.

@AMomentInTime - he was feeling the moment in time - ready to pose for you before his dinner....


@Martasonia He stayed there immobile, blue eyes wide open, and let me get the camera. Usually they'll move on. Dinner was served about 30 minutes later, and he was very quick to come, check it out, and eat. 😊

I'm with Laviini - why move unless dinner is offered?

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

10 December 2020 - 27 November 2017
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