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Baby Minikins Again

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Minikins looks so sad in this photo when she was weeks old. She was alone in the Cat Tree and there was no one who wanted to play with her. Her recently bumped nose had healed and she was looking for another mischief maker. 🥰
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@Bugster I know, so many pictures with "owies" that people would think it was her "eternal flame." 🙄 Even remember how initially I was so concerned she had a balance issue as a baby. Thank goodness she seems to have grown out if it and no permanent scarring. 🥳 Back then this picture would have been rare. 💕💖💕


@eagleslair She was working hard to gain the sympathy vote. Not old enough to look for treats yet; Minikins simply wanted the attention.


Goodness, I almost didn't recognize the cutie without an owie on her nose. 😸


So photogentic ! What a darling. barb


@beyondwords One would think she was a stray ... and not enjoying her home. 🤭 She does play with all of them, but her favorites seem to be her Dad, Missy, and, of course, Alvar - the bigger older brother who always protected her. 😊


Sweet & sad. Does she still like somebody to play with her?

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5 September 2018 - 17 June 2013
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