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"Dementia preventia" haha!

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  1. Howy58:01
  2. pasta1:00:24
  3. luly1:08:10
  4. MarcieT1:17:39
  5. rgpuz1:18:10
  6. meggie1:48:12
  7. KMP1:53:12
  8. Zsuzsineni1:53:14
  9. tevers5ham1:57:29
  10. djstj595:53:34


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I went back and looked. The other white one I published was 405 pieces. UGH...


Hi, luly. You did fantastically!! I love jigidi for many reasons but besides fun I try to keep my hand-eye coordination honed and my brain having some mental exercise. I really had a rough time doing my own white puzzle when I published this one in a size larger. It was pretty brutal. Thank you for your sweet comments!


This is the first time I've ever tried this and it was fun! Thank you for making us work our minds a little bit harder, meggie. :-)


Thanks for the comments guys. I remember years ago worrying about how mental exercise should be just as important as physical, way back when the movie Mrs. Doubtfire came out. And as I walked by the TV I heard her (him) say to his kids - "go pump some neurons." Something like that. Aerobics provides the O2 but we have to do books, games, puzzles, jeopardy, lumosity, etc. I'm terrified I'll get dementia... Anyway, I can still chuckle at all the white. Thumbs up, everybody!! Thinking of you.


It was a challenge


Meggie, I found it early enough in the day, so I had the mental energy to try it. Lately, I have enjoyed working one large puzzle instead of the several smaller ones I preferred in the past. As for physical vs. mental, I need more discipline to better balance my days with more physical. Thanks for addressing this concern. Zsuzsi (✿´‿`)


You guys, I can't do it. I published this one in 405 pieces, too. I doubt anyone will attempt. There's just so much awareness on physical exercise but I so worry about the mental. I may try some day - ha!


@KMP, I'm so happy to know that, out there in Jigidiland, there is someone who can speak for me to explain why I took the time to work this puzzle - LOL! Zsuzsi (✿´‿`)

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